Vitae Foundation is a non-profit, educational organization focused on using research-based messaging to educate the public about the value and sanctity of human life; restoring this value as a core belief in the American culture; and reducing the number of abortions.
Vitae has become a resource and standard bearer for pro-life media both nationally and internationally. It is unique in the scope of expertise it offers the pro-life community. Vitae provides everything from quantitative and qualitative research of target audiences and markets to professionally produced ad messages. Additionally Vitae lends expert advice on ad placement as well as use of its messages to inquiring respect-life organizations and Pregnancy Centers.
Vitae subscribes to the belief that our Founding Fathers held: “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Learn more about the Vitae Foundation at